Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26

Sick baby. We got to daycare this morning and I took Leila to her class while Cory took Thea to hers. When I went back out to the car I saw Cory coming right back out of the building with Thea in his arms. She had gotten sick in the classroom before he even left the room, and so we all headed back home to split the day as we worked to get some of our work work done while also tending to her needs. After a three hour nap that started on my lap she seemed to be as good as new and hasn't had any issues since this morning. Hopefully it was a fluke and not something that we are all going to share!

October 25

This is the face of a little girl who does not like bedtime. Lately putting Leila to bed has been a real struggle. There are multiple trips out of her room to "tell us something," requests for drinks of water, trips to the bathroom, "my foot hurts," My bed isn't comfortable. Very frustrating when lately I can hardly make it to kid bedtime before I am crawling under my own covers.
I nearly missed my picture of the day when I was laying in bed and realized my over-site. I asked Cory to get the camera for me and I quickly snapped this picture of Leila, but this is one of those moments that if not for this project, I would never have photographed, and I like it.

October 24

One of the favorite fall treats around my household is pumpkin bars. Leila loves them, and I recently discovered that Thea does as well. This particular batch wasn't for the Coobs house though. This week is the annual United Way campaign at my workplace and as part of my contribution to the fundraising I made pumpkin bars to sell at work. They went over well, but really, those things sell themselves.
Of course, since I have a new oven, gas when I have always had electric, I had to do a practice run also. I can testify that those were very tasty.

October 23

Its Hawkeye football day! Though we ended the day as sad Hawkeye fans, the day wasn't a total loss. One of the things that I love about my new house is the kitchen. There is so much space, that I have a few totally empty cabinets. Another thing I love about my house...having space to hang out with my family! Thea and Sawyer are helping me out with that empty cabinet problem!

October 22

This evening we had an impromptu play date with cousin Quincy. Quincy's Dad is Cory's nephew. It is kind of funny that my 30 year old husband is a great uncle to a little boy the same age as Thea. Though Quincy lives so close, we haven't been great about spending time with him and his family. Now that his Dad, Kyle, is being deployed to Afghanistan we are working harder to keep them in our thoughts, and in our lives. Quincy fits in very well with our girls and it is so fun to watch them together!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21

One thing I didn't really consider when I started this project is the fact that now that I am working full time again, we don't get a lot of sunlight together as a family, and my camera really doesn't do so hot in low light, so my photo opportunities are kind of limited.

Tonight's picture is of the light over my dining room table. It was one of the lights that we decided to upgrade because I liked this one so much more than the one that was planned for our house. It reminds me of candles. This picture was taken with my aperture setting as low as it would go to get as much light as possible through my lens.

October 20

One of the many features that I am loving about the new house is the breakfast bar. Even little Thea does pretty well on the bar stools, and I can look down the row and see my sweet little family enjoying a meal together.

October 19

Random picture of a cookie bag that I found on the kitchen counter when I got home for the night. This week has been hectic and I was out with my work team for dinner. Cory, being the brave Daddy that he is, took the girls to Perkins for dinner. By himself. On the one hand I think it is really cute that he took his girls out for dinner like a little date, and on the other hand, I have to laugh about the desperation to not have to figure out what and how to cook dinner. Either way, I appreciate the night out of the house with other adults, and I really appreciated the yummy Mexican food!

October 18

I took this picture at the Condo to document the end of another phase of our lives. The girls were running around playing in the nearly empty space that had been our home for the last six months. When we started this journey in January, I really didn't have any idea how things would go, or if it would work out to end the way that we had hoped, moving into a new house that we could make our forever home. Though I would have loved to only move once, I feel extremely blessed to have been able to orchestrate the changes that we have managed to survive.
My hope when I took this picture was that it would be document the last time we were in that dark little apartment, but no such luck. It is still a mess and I will be spending some quality time there clearing the dust bunnies and the last remnants of the Coobs family.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 3

You may notice a bit of a glare in this picture...because I took it behind the glass of our front window at the new house. What you are witnessing here is Cory walking Leila across the street to play with the neighbor girls. Camille across the street has asked Leila to play a couple of times and I never know what to say. Of course you don't just let a BABY go play across the street without you, and my baby has never been out to play without me, unless you count daycare. Off she went to play, and the house was quite while Thea took her nap. I can't believe how grown up she is getting!

Day 2

Day two, and already cheating. I didn't take any pictures today, so I am stealing one that was taken by my sister Cassie, with my camera...that counts right?

Thea has always been my cuddle bug. When Thea was born, one the biggest differences I noticed between here and Leila was how much more Thea enjoyed snuggling. She is a shy little thing, but if you are in her inner circle, as Papa Carey obviously is, then you can expect lots of warm sweet baby snuggles.

Day 1

As far as birthday's go, you can't really top moving into the brand new house that you have planned and watch come up over the past six months. This house has been something that Cory and I have hoped and planned for for years. When I suggest to Cory that we make the move to sell our current house, I had to sell the idea to him that we could actually manage it, but everything seemed to fall into place almost perfectly *knock on wood* and my thirtieth birthday was spent going over the finishing touches and perfecting the paint in our new home. I am feeling blessed.


I decided that for my 31st year, I would document my life in one picture a day.