Monday, April 25, 2011

April 24

This is kind of how I felt after a day of cheating on my diet.

April 23

We are so lucky to have such wonderful small people in our lives. And nearly every one of them has a spring birthday!

April 22

The beautiful birthday girl, looking so grown up with her new haircut.

April 21

April 20

Pathetic. And it looks even worse now. Next year will be better, that much I know.

April 19

Loving the early morning sister time as Leila reads to her sister. Thea loves to be read to and to sit right in the middle of your lap!

April 18

Zoey has turned into nearly a totally outside dog. I think she is as sick of us as I am of her. She comes in to sleep at night, and is always close by when Thea eats though.

April 17

Since I just don't have enough going on this spring, I decided to try my hand at gardening. Step one, set up a raised bed. Thanks Cory and my little helpers!

April 16

I will of course post more tea party pictures on my other blog, but my official photo of the day for Leila's tea party is from the calm before the storm. I set up the table so for the girls, and made a little "flower" arrangement for the table. It lasted about 10 minutes.

April 15

At Kindergarten round up we were informed about family night at Van Allen. We figured it would be a perfect way to get to spend some time getting to know the school building and get the girls out for a little something different. We all had a nice time and the girls came home with lots of treasures that they won playing games at the carnival.

April 14

As you should all be well aware of by now, my sister Cassie is a rock star. She helped me prepare for a marathon weekend of birthday prep and even coordinated a birthday party craft of cake decorating for Leila's friend party. Love her. And her fondant.

April 13

Leila was so excited that she talked about kindergarten round up for days before the big event. When we got to the school she about to burst, and when the kindergarten teachers stood at the front of the room and called for the kids to come on up and explore their new classrooms she shot out of her seat faster than anyone else and didn't look back.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 12

This was so funny I had to take a picture. Leila is so sweet to her sister and when they sit together and Thea asks for help spooning her yogurt into her mouth, Leila is quick to volunteer to help. After Thea's yogurt was gone Leila started to dig into her own container. Only every time Leila would lift the spoon out of the container, Thea would open her mouth, hoping for just one more bite!

April 11

Today marks the end of week one of the South Beach diet carb detox. One more week to go and I can start adding in some fruit or whole grains. It hasn't been nearly as hard as I expected it to be. I haven't been craving the sugary snacks that I ate a whole lot of before, but I am feeling a little sad about not having them. I think that says a lot about my relationship with food. I don't know what I will do when I am out of this phase, and am faced with a chocolate chip muffin or a brownie, but I do know that I have learned a TON about nutrition in the past week and I am hoping to keep this up until I can feel a bit more comfortable with myself. Pictured here is taco night, with hearts of romaine taco shells. It was good, and filling!

April 10

A preview of the kitchen. I LOVE the back splash. LOVE IT.

April 9

This was our strategy to keep the kids busy while we worked on a home improvement project this weekend. It worked for a short time. Thea mostly supervised.

April 8

We have a great Friday night thing going with the Weber's, and we were due for a visit. Now that planting is just around the corner Matt was tied up on the farm but we got to enjoy the company of the rest of the Weber Clan, including this little beauty, Miranda.

April 7

Puzzle girl strikes again!

April 6

Learning the most important skill in bike riding...ringing the bell.

April 5

Do you see what I see? That is a GREEN bud on my tree!

April 4

Thea had her well baby check up with Dr. Saunders, and because of the timing, we also got a lunch out with just our little girl. It was strange to not have Leila along, and Thea thought so too. She kept asking about La-La.

April 3

This picture is SO Leila. I love my free spirited little girl!

April 2

It pains me to put this picture up. I look terrible. My hair looks totally weird, my coloring is off, likely due to a bad make up job and I am fat. But this is the only picture I have from the day...taken by my lovely mother in law who is in no way responsible for the ugliness that is this picture! :)

April 1

Baby girl's first night gown. She LOVES it! Ask her who is on her dress and she will grab her belly with gusto and shout out, "MINNIE MOUSE!"

March 31

Our seedlings just keep on keepin' on!

March 30

As the weather begins to turn, Leila is sure to lead her sister outdoors. Even if coats are still required, at least there is no snow!